Hal Foster on Realism in Illustration

SABA: I find it fascinating that you you are so conversant with architectural styles. You obviously know a lot about the different styles, not only of different countries, but different eras as well.
FOSTER: Yes, I've had to study that, because, well, I've seen people make illustrations for books, and illustrations, somehow, unless it's modern, never seems to do anything for the story you're reading, because the story might be of London, but the architecture in the street scene is New York or Brooklyn.
SABA: Uh-huh, it's very wrong, yes.
FOSTER: So I've always, made a point of studying, not only the architecture, and costumers, but the trees. You can tell a picture, you can tell it's Italian or Roman by the square buildings, and the columns, and the trees. These pine trees run up straight and have an umbrella top on them, and the oak trees like you see out here-