On how his comic strip Clifford started

GROTH: How did you get to do the Clifford strip for Eisner?
FEIFFER: It was in lieu of giving me a raise. [Both laugh] I was making something like $25 a week. I went in and demanded $30. I was writing The Spirit and laying it out. I thought that was worth $30 a week. He informed me that it really wasn't. So I threatened to quit. And to keep me on, he said he'd give me the back page of The Spirit section, which then had a nice strip, but rather predictable and tired by then, called Jonesy by wonderful old cartoonist named Bernard Dribble. Stibble or Dribble. But I was a cut-throat competitor, so the hell with him, and got the Clifford page.
GROTH: For which you weren't paid?
FEIFFER: No. That was my reward. Eisner got me used to not being paid by the Voice. I'm used to doing pro bono cartoon work. I've been doing it a good part of my life.

[Jonesy was actually created by Bernard Dibble]